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WGU Student Database

Database Engineering/Analytics; C++

I built a project using C++ that analyzed student data from Western Governors University. The project aimed to predict student success based on previous academic performance and demographic information. The biggest challenge I faced was in the data handling aspect of the project as I had to build the data structures from scratch. I had to make sure that the data was organized in a way that was easy to process and analyze. The data included information about students such as their major, GPA, and demographic information.

Another challenge I faced was in implementing algorithms for data analysis. C++ is a low-level language and does not have built-in libraries for data analysis like Python does, so I had to write everything from scratch. I had to learn about statistical algorithms and implement them in C++ code. It was a time-consuming process, but I was able to get the results I wanted. The final product of the project was a program that could analyze student data and make predictions about student success with high accuracy. Overall, it was a great learning experience and I learned a lot about data analysis and C++ programming.

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